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System Sensor 2012JA Photoelectric 4-Wire Smoke Alarm With Integral Relay & Sounder
$83.71 $108.95
Inaxsys ICT PRX-TAG-MF MIFARE Proximity Standard Key Tag, Black
$11.54 $17.70
EnerSys NP7-12FR 12V 7Ah Flame Retardant Sealed Lead Acid Battery
$43.79 $58.90
Mersen TRS30R North American Power Fuse Time-Delay Class RK5 30 A, 600 VAC
$9.96 $16.50
DSC PG9936 PowerG Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
$139.98 $221.30
BRK SC9120BA Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector 120V With Battery Backup
$66.73 $91.80
Weiser 9GED18000-031 GED18000 ZWave 700 CNT 514 Contemporary Matte Black
$225.16 $259.70
Oakville Stamping & Bending 314CS-S 1-1/2 in. Brass Extended Plug & Chain Offset Waste & Overflow
$90.00 $107.00
Motors & Armatures 12783 35/5 mfd 440V Non PCB Round Motor Dual Run Capacitor
$18.25 $25.60
Google Nest GA1317-CA Battery Powered Indoor/Outdoor Nest Camera, White
$312.00 $365.00
Nordic Technologies FS3000 Model 3000 24V Normally Open Thermostat Wire Extender
$138.70 $159.85
Maximum Contractor MAX33483 33 in. x 48 in. x 3 mil Bag, Black
$45.41 $56.87
Erie VT2343 3/4 in. Invert-Flared Forged Brass Zone Valve 2-Way Zone Valve Body
$65.33 $78.50
Watts OEM170 Low Water Cutt-off
$277.70 $318.97
Conbraco 35603BFTTC 1/2 in. Union FNPT x FNPT 100 psi Brass/Bronze Combination Backflow Preventer & Feed Water Regulator
$194.00 $225.00
Motors & Armatures 84135 Liquid Tite 1/2 in. x 6 ft. Non-Metallic Whip For Mini-Split Air Conditioner
$33.19 $41.25