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System Sensor 2012JA Photoelectric 4-Wire Smoke Alarm With Integral Relay & Sounder
$83.71 $108.95
Qolsys QS5210-840 IQ Carbon Wireless Carbon Monoxide Detector
$143.89 $185.79
BRK Electronics CO5120BNA Carbon Monoxide Alarm
$50.54 $74.60
System Sensor CO1224A 12/24 Volt, 4-Wire System-Monitored Carbon Monoxide Detector
$122.38 $146.80
Qolsys QS5110-840 IQ Smoke Wireless Photoelectric Smoke Detector
$123.29 $145.60
DSC PG9936 PowerG Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
$139.98 $221.30
System Sensor 5601A 135°F (57°C) Fixed-Temperature/Rate-of-Rise, Single Circuit Mechanical Heat Detector With Plain Housing
$21.74 $29.00
BRK SC9120BA Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector 120V With Battery Backup
$66.73 $91.80
First Alert 1039848 PR710A 10 Year Lithium Battery Powered Photoelectric Smoke Alarm
$38.77 $47.90
Kidde P4010ACLEDSCA Smoke Alarm 120 VAC/VDC
$182.98 $215.60
Kidde 21027905 Photoelectric Smoke/Co Hardwire 20V & 10 Year
$101.47 $119.80
First Alert FG250BA Battery Powered Smoke Detector Alarm, 1039880
$16.37 $23.80
First Alert CO600A Plug-In Carbon Monoxide CO Alarm, 1039196
$41.17 $53.90
BRK RM4 First Alert Smoke & CO Detector Relay Module
$26.28 $33.70
BRK 9120LBLA 120VAC Smoke Detector With 10 Year Sealed Battery Backup
$44.01 $52.80
Alula RE215T 2GIG 345 Compatible Wireless CO Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Replaces CO3-345
$134.85 $157.20