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Reed Instruments R6200 Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Heat Stress Meter
$219.06 $254.78
Reed Instruments R7050 Compact Photo Tachometer, Photo (Non Contact)
$129.26 $149.98
Reed Instruments R7100 Tachometers, Contact
$166.71 $193.40
Reed Instruments R8010 Laser Distance Meters
$147.91 $173.10
Reed Instruments R8500 Recordable Borescope Inspection Camera
$249.26 $288.50
Reed Instruments R9450 Carbon Monoxide Monitor With Temperature & Humidity
$329.46 $379.80
Reed Instruments Thermal Imaging Camera, 160 x 120 pixels, -10° - 400°C (14° - 752°F), 50 mK
$529.16 $548.75
Regal Beloit A163 1/20 HP 3400 RPM 115V Single Phase Draft Inducer Motor
$249.68 $295.30
Regal Beloit EC9W115 1550 RPM 115V 9 W 1-Speed Single Phase 4-Pole Unit Bearing Motor
$64.30 $77.85
Resideo VR8200A2132/U 24V 1/2 in. Gas Valve, Honeywell Home
$258.50 $347.98
Resideo VR8345M4302/U 24V 3/4 in. Single Stage Gas Valve
$291.28 $345.90
Rev-A-Shelf Under Cabinet Double Wine Bottle Rack, Chrome Finish
$39.67 $52.80
Reversible Ratchet, 3/8" Drive, Plain Handle
$58.90 $63.80
Reversomatic EB50MBB Blower Motor Kit
$54.92 $67.80
Reyee RG-RAP2260 Cloud Managed Smart Wi-Fi 6 AX3000 Indoor Wireless Access Point, PoE
$193.00 $225.00
Rheem 47-104465-01 Limit Switch For R92PA-040-1-3-17-MSA, R92PA-060-1-3-17-MSA, R92PA-070-1-3-17-MSA & R92PA-085-1-5-21-MSA Furnaces
$26.17 $33.50