Now shipping from Canada to the USA
Recycled Material Wiping Rags, Cotton, White, 10 lbs. (Min Ord: 3 Bags)
$31.23 $43.57
Recycled Material Wiping Rags, Fleece, Mix Colours, 10 lbs. / Bag (Min Ord: 6 Bags)
$20.90 $24.75
Red Premium Plastic Insulated Garden Hose Nozzle
$18.59 $23.90
Reed Instruments Coating Thickness Gauge
$311.56 $330.40
Reed Instruments FS-200 Food Service Infrared Thermometer, -4°- 392° F ( -20° - 200° C )/-58°- 4° F ( -50° - -20° C ), 8:1, Fixed Emmissivity
$129.46 $151.90
Reed Instruments Infrared Thermometer, -26°- 2282° F ( -32° - 1250° C ), 50:1, Adjustable Emmissivity
$312.51 $329.45
Reed Instruments Light Meter
$166.50 $175.30
Reed Instruments LM-81AM Anemometers, Not Data Logging, 0.4 - 30.0 m/sec Air Velocity Range
$109.66 $129.50
Reed Instruments LM-81LX Light Meter
$109.66 $129.40
Reed Instruments pH Pen Meter
$110.28 $119.64
Reed Instruments R1500 Tripod With Instrument Adapter
Reed Instruments R2310 Infrared Thermometer, -31°- 1202° F ( -35° - 650° C ), 12:1, Adjustable Emmissivity
Reed Instruments R2320 Professional Infrared Thermometer, -26 - 1472° F ( -32 - 800° C ), 30:1, Adjustable Emmissivity
$189.86 $219.30
Reed Instruments R2400 Thermometer, Contact, Digital, -58-2000°F (-50-1300°C)
$119.06 $141.70
Reed Instruments R5007 True RMS Digital Multimeter, AC/DC Voltage, AC/DC Current
$119.06 $141.50
Reed Instruments R5320 Wire Tracer & Circuit Testing Kit