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Tripp Lite P002-002 Universal AC Power Adapter Cord, 13A, 16AWG, 2 Feet
$6.18 $7.10
Tripp Lite TLP606 Protect It! 6-Outlet Surge Suppressor, 6' Cord, 790 Joules, Diagnostic LED, Light Gray Cabinet
$24.66 $28.20
Tripp Lite USA-19HS 3' Keyspan USB To Serial Adapter, USB-A Male To DB9 RS232 Male, TAA, Black
$71.15 $83.60
Tyden Brooks Pull-Tite II Embossed Security Seal, Sealed Do Not Remove, 9", Plastic, Pull-Through (1000/Pack)
$242.16 $278.25
Tyden Brooks S92T Guard Lock® Seals, 8-3/8", Metal, Truck Seal (1000/Box)
$225.24 $253.60
TYP-2500 Heavy Duty Typhoon Blow Gun
$49.00 $58.00
Type 316 Stainless Steel Replacement Pin For Stationary Spray Ball
$15.52 $19.14
U 10826 High Security Door Latch
$33.49 $39.10
U 10827 High Security Door Latch, Spring Loaded, Resists Bumping Or Picking While In The Locked Position
$69.99 $77.50
U 11325 High Security Door Latch, Spring Loaded
UEI AC519 Soft Carrying Case, 5-1/2 in. W x 10-1/2 in. H x 2-1/2 in. D
$54.73 $79.80
UEI ATHA1 Gas Valve Thermocouple Adapter
$23.25 $42.30
UEI DMG150 Digital Micron Gauge 0 to 15,000 microns
$314.39 $478.60
UEI DTH35 Digital Pocket Psychrometer 4 in. L x 3/8 in. Dia.
$198.65 $327.80
UEi DTHA2 Airflow Humidity Temperature Meter
$303.09 $425.80
UEI KANE-EGD Combustible Electric Gas Leak Detector
$296.22 $379.80