Now shipping from Canada to the USA
6" LED Flush Mount, 15W, 900L, Pre-select 5 CCT, Triac Dimming, IC & Wet Location Rated, Round
$23.65 $31.80
6'' LED Fire Rated Recessed Downlight, 15W, 1100L, Pre-select 5 CCT, Triac Dimming, 120V, Round, Wet Location
$21.36 $29.70
7" Stainless Steel Gear Clamp (146 MM - 197 MM)
$5.52 $11.14
7'' Smart Ceiling Light RGB & Tunable White, 15W/2.5W, 1100L/80L, 120-277V, 2700K-6500K, Wet Location
$39.90 $48.25
8" Deluxe Stove Element, 2,100 Watt/240 Volt, Hoop Style Terminal
$42.92 $51.20
89262 Lead-Free High Quality Nitro Flux Solder Paste, Greyish Silver
$34.89 $59.70
9/16" x 190° Fire-Rated Glass Lens Door Viewer, Chrome
$21.04 $33.10
9410FBR Gate Kit With Latch & Rectangular Hinge, Steel, Black Finish
$37.96 $48.70
A.O. Smith 100112330 Pilot/Thermopile With Tubing For GS6 Residential Natural Gas Water Heaters
$90.81 $125.30
ABB 1SVR405621R4100 Interface Relay With LED 2 C/O Contacts 250V/10A 12 V DC Coil
$43.46 $59.10
ABB 2-FWSW Carlon® Device Box 2 Gangs 4-Inlet, Rectangular, Airtight Flush, Screw, Gray
$11.90 $15.90
ABB 933-JAR1000 Marrette® Wire Connector Winged 600 V, Blue (Plastic Jar of 1000)
$167.90 $193.96
ABB AF09-30-10-13 Contactor
$81.32 $96.25
ABB AF09-30-10K-11 Contactor
$112.76 $131.95
ABB AF12301013 Contactor, 3 Pole, 10HP/600V, 100-250V AC/DC Coil
$91.07 $99.40
ABB AF52-30-00-11 Contactor, ,3P, 80A, 50HP/600V, Coil: 20-60VDC/24-60VAC, No Aux
$271.80 $308.25