AY-K12C Rosslare Proximity Reader.
125KHz EM Compatible Reader feature a Buzzer, Bi-color LED, two LED control inputs, hold line (buffered) input, buzzer control input, and tamper output. The Wiegand output is 26-bit. Selectable data output for either Wiegand, RS232, or Clock & Data. Waterproof, meets IP65, 18" (46-cm) pigtail cable. UL294 Approved. (Micro-Mullion).
- Operating Voltage Range 5–16 VDC, from a regulated power supply
- Standby Input Current 60 mA @ 12 V
- Maximum Input Current 120 mA @ 12 V
- Proximity Card Reader Maximum read range*: 8 cm (3.2 in.) to 10 cm (3.9 in.) Modulation: ASK at 125 kHz Compatible cards: 26-Bit EM cards * Measured using a Rosslare proximity card or equivalent. Range also depends on electrical environment and proximity to metal.
- Tamper Output Open collector, active low, max. sink current 16 mA
- LED Control Input Dry Contact, N.O.
- Output Format Wiegand 26-Bit, RS-232, or Clock & Data Audio/Visual Tri-colored LED indicator, built-in sounder
- Design Epoxy-potted, fully-sealed in a rugged polycarbonate enclosure. Suitable for harsh environments.
- Operating Environment Water resistant, suitable for outdoor use (IP65)
- Operating Temperature -31ºC to 63ºC (-25ºF to 145ºF)
- Operating Humidity 0% to 95% (non-condensing)